ICC Banking Commission Opinions 2016 No.799
ICC Pub. No. 799E
2018 Edition
Member 1,200 Baht / Non Member 1,500 Baht

ePub format.

This volume of ICC Banking Commission Opinions contains the Opinions R867 - R885 that were approved by the Commission in 2016 (Johannesburg - April, Rome - November). This is the first in a new series of Commission Opinion books that will contain the texts of the Opinions approved in a particular year.

As with previous volumes, the majority of Opinions are in respect of transactions subject to UCP.  However, there are also Opinions referring to the content of ISBP 681 and 745 as well as an Opinion on URBPO 750.  Practitioners should note that Opinions respond to specific questions raised by queries submitted to the Banking Commission, and the conclusions are very often limited to the facts outlined in that particular case. 

About the Editor

From Nov 1996 until June 2013, Gary Collyer was the Senior Technical Adviser to the ICC Banking Commission, where he was primarily responsible for providing numerous opinions related to the application and interpretation of ICC rules. In his ICC role, Gary has been chair of the ICC Working Group for the development of the ISP98, the strategy for a revision of UCP500 and a member of the ICC Working Groups for the development and subsequent revision of URR525 and e-UCP. More recently, he was Chair of the Working group for drafting UCP 600, ISBP681 and 745 and URBPO.

Editor of seven ICC opinion and DOCDEX publications, he is also editor of the 5th edition CDCS syllabus book Guide to Documentary Credits (2015), also editor of the International Trade Finance publication (9th edition) (2007). He has also producred eleven volumes of frequestly asked questions under UCP 600. He is a regular lead speaker at ICC and other external seminar events ona global basis. Gary also holds the title of “Visiting Professor” with LIBF.

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